Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary Tract Infection services offered in Wylie, TX

An estimated eight million Americans seek medical attention for symptoms of a urinary tract infection every year. If urination is painful or your urine is cloudy, Wylie Walk In Urgent Care offers comprehensive diagnostic testing without an appointment. The providers also tailor treatment plans to clear the infection and prevent new ones from developing. Call the Wylie, Texas, office today to schedule a diagnostic evaluation of symptoms of a urinary tract infection, book an appointment online, or visit as a walk-in.

What is a urinary tract infection?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) develops when bacteria enter your body and settle anywhere along your urinary tract. This tract includes your kidneys, bladder, urethra, and the tubes (ureters) that carry urine out of your body.

While men do develop UTIs, the condition is more common in women because their urinary tract is shorter, and it's easier for bacteria to invade it. Women might also be at increased risk for a UTI if they use hormonal birth control or are sexually active.

Other risk factors for UTI in both men and women include:

  • Kidney stones
  • Catheter use
  • Suppressed immune system
  • Past urinary tract surgery

Wylie Walk In Urgent Care offers diagnostic testing and treatment for urinary tract infections in adults and children. The providers focus on relieving your symptoms and preventing the infection from spreading.

You can also meet with the providers online through the telemedicine platform for follow-up care after your initial UTI diagnosis and treatment.

When should I seek medical attention for a urinary tract infection?

You should schedule a diagnostic evaluation at Wylie Walk In Urgent Care if you have persistent symptoms of a urinary tract infection. These include:

  • Cloudy urine
  • Strong-smelling urine
  • Burning during urination
  • Strong urges to urinate
  • Pain with urination

The providers evaluate a urine sample during your visit to check for bacteria or other abnormalities. They complete a physical exam to assess your overall health.

If you suffer repeated UTIs, you could need a minimally invasive procedure (cystoscopy) to get a closer look at your bladder. During a cystoscopy, your provider uses a slender school to identify blockages in your urethra and bladder.

How is a urinary tract infection treated?

The results of your urine test identify which bacteria are causing your urinary tract infection. This allows the Wylie Walk In Urgent Care providers to prescribe the best antibiotics to treat it. They might also recommend over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers to increase your comfort.

If you suffer from repeated UTIs, you might need to stay on antibiotics longer to prevent the infection from returning. When urinary tract blockages cause frequent UTIs, the providers will refer you to a urologist or another specialist for advanced care.

Drink plenty of water to flush out bacteria to prevent additional UTIs. Women should also practice good bathroom hygiene by wiping from front to back to avoid transferring anal bacteria to the urinary tract.

Call Wylie Walk In Urgent Care today to schedule a diagnostic evaluation of symptoms of a urinary tract infection, book an appointment online, or visit the office as a walk-in for urgent care.