

X-Ray services offered in Wylie, TX

If you think you have a fractured bone, the X-ray services available at Wylie Walk In Urgent Care ensure that you get a fast, accurate diagnosis. While you’re in the office, our qualified staff member can take needed X-rays to identify fractures, pneumonia, and other underlying health problems. They review the results with you and recommend any treatments you need to support your recovery. Call the Wylie, Texas, office today to schedule an X-ray consultation, book an appointment online, or visit the office as a walk-in.

What is an X-ray?

An X-ray is a diagnostic imaging procedure that identifies bone fractures, tumors, chest infections, and other medical conditions. The technology uses electromagnetic radiation that passes through your skin to generate images of your bones and other tissues inside your body.

X-ray results produce black and white images of your inner structures. Bones show up as white while soft tissues appear darker. Color varies based on how each structure absorbs the radiation.

Wylie Walk In Urgent Care offers advanced X-ray technology in the office so that you don’t have to travel elsewhere for an accurate diagnosis. On-site X-rays also ensure that you get the answers you need about your health without delay.

Why would I need an X-ray?

X-rays are a useful tool in diagnosing underlying health problems in children and adults when a physical exam, bloodwork, and other lab tests don’t provide enough information. X-rays hwlp diagnose:

  • Cancer
  • Benign tumors
  • Infections
  • Bone fractures
  • Blocked blood vessels

For instance, you might need an X-ray at Wylie Walk In Urgent Care if you need a diagnosis for symptoms like musculoskeletal pain that can result from a bone fracture or a chronic cough related to pneumonia.

The providers prioritize your health and safety during X-rays. While the radiation X-rays use to create images of your soft tissues and bone can harm tissue, the diagnostic benefits of the test outweigh the potential risks.

What can I expect during X-rays?

Ahead of your X-ray appointment at Wylie Walk In Urgent Care, don’t use lotions or perfumes on your skin. Also, be sure to leave jewelry and other metal objects at home.

The providers help you get comfortable on an exam table. Depending on which area of your body the team is evaluating, you may need to sit, stand, or lie down.

To capture clear images of your bones or soft tissues, you must remain as still as possible. The providers could ask you to move into different positions to capture different images.

After your X-rays are complete, you can go back to your usual activities without limitations. A radiologist reads your X-ray results and the providers will discuss additional tests or treatments you might need. For instance, if you have a fracture, they’ll refer you to an orthopedic specialist for additional care.

Call Wylie Walk In Urgent Care today to learn more about the diagnostic benefits of X-rays, book an appointment online, or visit the office as a walk-in.