Back Pain

Back Pain

Back Pain services offered in Wylie, TX

If persistent back pain keeps you from an active life, you can find lasting pain relief at Wylie Walk In Urgent Care. The providers offer in-office X-rays and other diagnostic tests to identify the cause of your back pain. They also provide personalized treatment plans using lifestyle changes, medication, and other nonsurgical therapies to improve your overall spine health and keep you pain-free. Call the Wylie, Texas, office today to schedule a back pain diagnostic evaluation, book an appointment online, or visit the urgent care clinic as a walk-in.

What causes back pain?

Acute back pain that lasts less than six weeks is often the result of overuse of the muscles that support your spine. Tense muscles can also contribute to neck pain, headaches, and back pain.

Chronic back pain lasting six months or more can develop due to trauma from a fall or auto accident or because of underlying spine conditions like:

  • Arthritis
  • Sciatica
  • Scoliosis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Herniated disc
  • Nerve compression

Wylie Walk In Urgent Care offers X-rays and other on-site diagnostic testing to identify back pain’s cause. The providers also tailor a treatment plan to ease your pain and prevent its cause from getting worse. They offer follow-up visits through an online telemedicine platform for your convenience.

When should I seek medical care for back pain?

Schedule an appointment at Wylie Walk In Urgent Care or visit as a walk-in if you have persistent back pain that doesn’t improve with rest, over-the-counter medication, and other home care strategies.

You also need medical attention if you have back pain that continues to get worse, even with treatment at home, or if your pain prevents you from working or keeping up with other responsibilities.

The medical providers review your symptoms and medical history. They complete a comprehensive physical exam and could order X-rays or other diagnostic imaging to identify what’s causing your pain.

How is back pain treated?

Your treatment plan for back pain depends on its underlying cause. If you have acute pain from overly tight muscles, the Wylie Walk In Urgent Care providers will probably recommend stretching exercises you can do to relieve tension and over-the-counter medicine to reduce inflammation and pain.

The providers could prescribe anti-inflammatories and/or pain relievers for chronic back pain and recommend lifestyle changes to protect your spine from further damage. If oral drugs aren’t working well, you could be a candidate for steroid injections that deliver medications directly into the painful areas of your spine.

Regular exercise and massage therapy can also be beneficial for pain relief and prevention. If you suffer pain from a herniated disc or other chronic spine condition, the providers can refer you to a specialist for added testing and treatment.

Call Wylie Walk In Urgent Care today to schedule an appointment for back pain, or book your appointment online. You can also visit the office as a walk-in for an urgent care evaluation.