Minor Injuries

Minor Injuries

Minor Injuries services offered in Wylie, TX

Unexpected accidents or sports can lead to painful injuries requiring medical attention. Wylie Walk In Urgent Care offers a range of in-office services for many minor injuries, including burns, sprains, and lacerations. The providers use advanced diagnostics to determine how severe your injury is. They also personalize a treatment plan to support the healing of open wounds, tissue tears, and other minor injuries. Call the office in Wylie, Texas, today to schedule a diagnostic evaluation of minor injuries, book an appointment online, or visit the office as a walk-in.

Which minor injuries need medical attention?

Adults and children are prone to many minor injuries, especially if they engage in sports and other physical activities. However, falls and accidents around the house can also cause minor injuries that need medical attention to heal correctly.

Wylie Walk In Urgent Care offers X-rays and other diagnostic testing in the office for minor injuries like:

  • Burns
  • Lacerations
  • Dislocations
  • Muscle sprains
  • Ligament strains
  • Animal and insect bites

The providers also offer personalized treatment plans to relieve pain and other symptoms of a minor injury. You can visit the office as a walk-in without an appointment for immediate medical attention to avoid the local emergency room’s long wait time and other hassles.

When should I schedule a visit for minor injuries?

You should schedule a diagnostic evaluation at Wylie Walk In Urgent Care if you have a minor injury you can’t treat on your own.

You might also need medical attention if you have persistent symptoms of an injury that aren’t going away. These symptoms include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Discharge
  • Excessive bleeding

These symptoms could be warning signs of an underlying infection or a more severe injury.

If your symptoms come on suddenly or are severe, visit the urgent care office as a walk-in without needing an appointment.

What happens during an urgent care visit for minor injuries?

During your visit to Wylie Walk In Urgent Care, the providers review your medical history, symptoms, and the event that led to the injury. They also complete a thorough physical exam and might order X-rays, bloodwork, or other lab tests to evaluate your condition.

For minor cuts and other wounds, the providers clean your skin and remove any debris to prevent infection. They might also prescribe antibiotics and topical medication to support the wound’s healing.

If you have pain from a muscle sprain or ligament strain, you can use over-the-counter medication to relieve inflammation and pain. The providers might also recommend ice therapy, elevating the affected area, and limiting some activities. If they suspect you have a fracture or a soft-tissue tear, the medical providers will refer you to an orthopedic specialist for specialized care.

You might need to schedule follow-up visits with the providers so that they can monitor your healing progress. The office features an online telemedicine platform that you can access on your smartphone, tablet, or computer to meet with the providers without leaving home.

Call Wylie Walk In Urgent Care today to schedule a diagnostic evaluation for minor injuries, book an appointment online, or visit as a walk-in for urgent care.