Wylie Walk-In Urgent Care provides fast and convenient medical care to adults and children. Located in Wylie, Texas, the team sees patients from Sachse, St. Paul, Lavon, Nevada, Copeville, and Josephine, Texas. The medical specialists offer comprehensive, personalized diagnostic and treatment services to adults and children 6 months and older.
- Allergies
- Asthma flare up & trouble breathing
- Back & neck pain
- Bee Stings/Insect Bites & Allergic Reactions
- Blister, Cyst & Abscess
- Broken Bones & Fractures
- Bronchitis, Chest Colds & Respiratory Infection
- Burns (minor)
- Cough & Cold
- Cuts & Lacerations
- Dehydration
- Diarrhea
- Earache
- Foreign body removal (e.g. ears, nose, eyes, foot)
- Ear wax removal
- Headache & Migraine
- Hemorrhoids
- Ingrown nail & nailbed care
- Oral infection
- Pink eye & eye infection
- Pneumonia
- Poison oak, ivy, & sumac
- Rash & skin infection
- Sinus infections
- Sore throat/Strep throat
- Sports and camp physicals
- Sprain, Strains & broken bones
- Confidential STD treatment & testing
- Upset stomach
- Urinary tract infection (UTIs)
- Vaginal discomfort (no pap smear)
- Vomiting & nausea
- Wheezing
- Wound care
For up to date information about our services or questions: feel free to reach out to us at
469-992-9572 or schedule your appointment by clicking Save My Spot.